I’m not food for the soul.
I refuse to be easily digestible.
A few generations shy of being bought and sold,
I will not shrink myself.
I won’t cease to grow,
even if it means unlearning
all I’ve come to know.

Nobody Owns Land is a project to build upon the ideas of Walter Rodney and other revolutionaries around the world who developed the idea of the Guerilla Intellectual. The relationship between Intellect and the Worker need not be defined by academia's anti-worker orientation. We believe that information, much like land, should not be a commodity. Knowledge is not something for the privileged few to buy and sell, or to be gate kept in ivory towers, it rightfully belongs to all people. Educate yourself, educate others, and let a hundred schools of thought contend. Storm the gates of academia and take back the knowledge that belongs to all of us!